Items where Division is "Journal Publication" and Year is 2012

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Number of items: 46.


Allita, Yosephine, Gala, Victor, Ayucitra, Aning and Retnoningtyas, Ery Susiany (2012) Pemanfaatan ampas tebu dan kulit pisang dalam pembuatan kertas serat campuran. Pemanfaatan ampas tebu dan kulit pisang dalam pembuatan kertas serat campuran, 11 (2). pp. 94-100. ISSN p-ISSN : 1693-9433 e-ISSN: 2686-4991

Angkawijaya, Artik Elisa, Fazary, Ahmed E., Hernowo, Erzalina, Ismadji, Suryadi and Yi-Hsu, Ju (2012) Nickel and Cobalt Complexes of Non-protein L-Norvaline and Antioxidant Ferulic Acid: Potentiometric and Spectrophotometric Studies. Journal of Solution Chemistry, 41 (7). pp. 1156-1164. ISSN 1572-8927

Angkawijaya, Artik Elisa, Fazary, Ahmed E., Ismadji, Suryadi and Yi-Hsu, Ju (2012) Cu(ll), Co(ii), and Ni(ii)– Antioxidative Phenolate-Glycine Peptide Systems: An Insight into Its Equilibrium Solution Study. Journal of Chemical Engineering Data, 57. pp. 3448-3451. ISSN 0021-9568

Apriyadi, Fransiskus, Hadisoewignyo, Lannie and Hermanu, Liliek (2012) Optimasi Tablet Ekstrak Daun Pare (Momordica Charantia L.) (Optimization Tablet of Leaves Extract of Bitter Melon). Optimasi Tablet Ekstrak Daun Pare (Momordica Charantia L.) (Optimization Tablet of Leaves Extract of Bitter Melon), 4 (2). pp. 68-73. ISSN 2085-3602

Arini, Henny Dwi and Hadisoewignyo, Lannie (2012) Optimasi Formula Tablet Effervescentekstrak Rimpang Jahe Merah (Zingiber Ojficinale Roxb. Var Rubrum). Optimasi Formula Tablet Effervescentekstrak Rimpang Jahe Merah (Zingiber Ojficinale Roxb. Var Rubrum), 9 (2). pp. 75-84. ISSN 1693-5683


Bastami, Tahereh Rohani, Entezari, Mohammad H., Qiu, Hong Hu, Hartono, Sandy Budi and Shi, Zhang Qiao (2012) Role of polymeric surfactants on the growth of manganese ferrite nanoparticles. Chemical Engineering Journal, 210. pp. 157-165. ISSN 1385-8947


Chun Hui Zhou, ., Di Zhang, ., Dong-Shen Tong, ., Lin-Mei Wu, ., Wei-Hua Yu, . and Ismadji, Suryadi (2012) Paper-like composites of cellulose acetate-organo-montmorillonite for removal of hazardous anionic dye in water. Chemical Engineering Journal, 209. pp. 223-234. ISSN 1385-8947


Elian, Mardon, Srianta, Ignatius, Trisnawati, Chatarina Yayuk and Arisasmita, Joek Hendrasari (2012) Effects of Calcium Fortification (Calcium Lactate Gluconate) on the Physicochemical and sensory Properties of soy-corn milk. International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Public Health, 5 (1/2/3). pp. 91-104. ISSN 2042-5988 (Print); 2042-4966 (Online)


Hadisoewignyo, Lannie and Sanela, Gusti Ayu Made Ratih (2012) Formulasi Tablet Hisap Ekstrak Daun Sirih Merah (Piper Crocatum). Formulasi Tablet Hisap Ekstrak Daun Sirih Merah (Piper Crocatum), 9 (1). pp. 12-19. ISSN 1693-5683

Harsono, Lindawati, Handoko, Jesica and Fransisca, Ika (2012) Pengaruh Tipe Industri, Ukuran Perusahaan dan Kepemilikan Manajerial Terhadap Tingkat P)engungkapan Tanggung jawab Sosial. Jurnal Akuntansi Kontemporer (JAKO), 4 (1). pp. 1-22. ISSN p-ISSN 2085-1189, e-ISSN 2685-9971

Hartono, Sandy Budi, Wenyi, Gu, Kleitz, Freddy, Jian, Liu, Lizhong, He, Middelberg, Anton P.J., Chengzhong, Yu, Lu, Gao Qing and Qiao, Shi Zhang (2012) Poly-L-lysine Functionalized Large Pore Cubic Mesostructured Silica Nanoparticles as Biocompatible Carriers for Gene Delivery. ACS Nano, 6 (3). pp. 2104-2117. ISSN 1936-0851

Herwinarso, Herwinarso (2012) Kebergantungan Nilai Indeks Bias Medium Pada Panjang Gelombang Model Sellmeier. Magister Scientiae, 32. pp. 85-94. ISSN e-ISSN 2622-7959 p-ISSN 0852-078X


Immanuela, Intan (2012) Konsekuensi Adopsi Penuh IFRS Terhadap Pelaporan Keuangan di Indonesia. Konsekuensi Adopsi Penuh IFRS Terhadap Pelaporan Keuangan di Indonesia (01). pp. 290-295. ISSN 0854-1981

Ismadji, Suryadi, Kurniawan, Alfin, Jub, Y.H., Soetaredjo, Felycia Edi, Ayucitra, Aning and Ong, L.K. (2012) Solubility of azadirachtin and several triterpenoid compounds extracted from neem seed kernel in supercritical CO2. Solubility of azadirachtin and several triterpenoid compounds extracted from neem seed kernel in supercritical CO2, 336. pp. 9-15. ISSN 0378-3812

Ismadji, Suryadi, Kurniawan, A., Yi-Hsu, Ju, Soetaredjo, F.E., Ayucitra, A. and L.K. Ong, . (2012) Solubility of azadirachtin and several triterpenoid compounds extracted from neem seed kernel in supercritical CO2. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 336. pp. 9-15. ISSN 0378-3812


Kurniawan, Alfin, Sutiono, Hogiartha, Indraswati, Nani and Ismadji, Suryadi (2012) Removal of basic dyes in binary system by adsorption using rarasaponin–bentonite: Revisited of extended Langmuir model. Chemical Engineering Journal (189). pp. 264-274. ISSN 1385-8947


Linggardjaja, Irene Kristanti, Handoko, Jesica and Oki, Ariston (2012) Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing Dalam Penetapan Har-Ga Pokok Sewa Kamar dan Profitabilitas Pelanggan pada Hotel Bintang 2 dan 3. Jurnal Akuntansi Kontemporer (JAKO), 4 (2). pp. 153-161. ISSN p-ISSN 2085-1189, e-ISSN 2685-9971


Margaretha, Yosephine Yulia, Prastyo, Henry Sanaga, Ayucitra, Aning and Ismadji, Suryadi (2012) Calcium oxide from Pomacea sp. shell as a catalyst for biodiesel production Calcium oxide from Pomacea sp. shell as a catalyst for biodiesel production. Calcium oxide from Pomacea sp. shell as a catalyst for biodiesel production Calcium oxide from Pomacea sp. shell as a catalyst for biodiesel production, 3 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN e-ISSN: 2251-6832 p-ISSN: 2008-9163

Margaretha, Yosephine Yulia, Prastyo, Henry Sanaga, Ayucitra, Aning and Ismadji, Suryadi (2012) Calcium oxide from Pomacea sp. shell as a catalyst for biodiesel production. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 3 (33). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2008-9163

Mudjijanti, Fransisca (2012) Pengaruh motivasi konseli dan sikap empati konselor terhadap keberhasilan proses konseling. Widya Warta (02). pp. 176-194. ISSN 0854-1981


Ong, L.K., Kurniawan, A., Suwandi, A.C., Lin, C.X., Zhao, X.S. and Ismadji, Suryadi (2012) A facile and green preparation of durian shell-derived carbon electrodes for electrochemical double-layer capacitors. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 22 (6). pp. 625-631. ISSN 1002-0071


Prahas, Devarly, Liu, J.C., Ismadji, Suryadi and Meng-Jiy, Wang (2012) Adsorption of Tetramenthylammonium Hydroxide on Activated Carbon. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 138 (3). pp. 232-238. ISSN p. 0733-9372; int.1943-7870

Prasetyono, Emanuel (2012) Bertemu dengan realitas: belajar dari fenomenologi Husserl. Arete, Jurnal Filsafat, 1 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2089-7804


Rahardanto, Michael Seno and Subandi, . (2012) From acute pain to intense rlation: the psychological dynamics of five individuals who experienced spirit possession. Jurnal Psjikologi, 39 (1). pp. 25-45. ISSN 0215-8884

Retnoningtyas, Ery Susiany (2012) Pemanfaatan Ampas Tebu dan Kulit Pisang Dalam Pembuatan Kertas Serat Campuran. Jurnal Teknik Kimia Indonesia, 11 (2). pp. 94-100. ISSN pISSN: 1693-9433, eISSN: 2686-4991

Retnoningtyas, Ery Susiany, Ayucitra, Aning, Maramis, Fandy, Yong, Ong Wei, Pribadi, Frengky W. and Tanti, Nelsi K. (2012) Fermentasi substrat padat dan substrat cair untuk produksi asam laktat dari kulit pisang dengan rhizopus oryzae. Fermentasi substrat padat dan substrat cair untuk produksi asam laktat dari kulit pisang dengan rhizopus oryzae, 11 (4). pp. 208-212. ISSN p-ISSN : 1693-9433 e-ISSN: 2686-4991

Roida, Herlina Yoka and Sunaryanto, Agus N. (2012) Family ownership type and the international involvement of SMEs: Empirical study of agency theory in East Java Indonesia. Journal International Chinese Business Review, 11 (2). pp. 224-232. ISSN 1537-1506


Sandy, Sandy, Maramis, Velycia, Kurniawan, Alfin, Ayucitra, Aning, Sunarso, Jaka and Ismadji, Suryadi (2012) Removal of copper ions from aqueous solution by adsorption using LABS-modified bentonite (organo-bentonite). Removal of copper ions from aqueous solution by adsorption using LABS-modified bentonite (organo-bentonite), 6 (1). pp. 58-66. ISSN 20950179, 20950187

Sandy, ., Maramis, Velycia, Kurniawan, Alfin, Ayucitra, Aning, Sunarso, Jaka and Ismadji, Suryadi (2012) Removal of copper ions from aqueous solution by adsorption using laboratories-modified bentonite (organo-bentonite). Frontier of Chemical Science and Engineering, 6 (1). pp. 58-66. ISSN 2095-0179 (print) 2095-0187 (Internasional)

Santoso, Shella Permatasari, Sanjaya, Niko and Ayucitra, Aning (2012) Pemanfaatan kulit singkong sebagai bahan baku pembuatan natrium karbosimetil selulosa. Pemanfaatan kulit singkong sebagai bahan baku pembuatan natrium karbosimetil selulosa, 11 (3). pp. 124-131. ISSN p-ISSN : 1693-9433 e-ISSN: 2686-4991

Simanjutak, Ermida and Apsari, Florentina Yuni (2012) Pelatihan sat (self regulation, assertiveness, time management) dan prokrastinasi akademik pada siswa SMA. Pelatihan sat (self regulation, assertiveness, time management) dan prokrastinasi akademik pada siswa SMA, 1 (1). pp. 39-47. ISSN 2252-7702, Jurnal Nasional tidak terakreditasi

Soetaredjo, Felycia Edi and Ayucitra *), Aning (2012) The Effect of Reagents and Iodine Concentration on Sago Starch Acetylation and in vitro Digestibility. The Effect of Reagents and Iodine Concentration on Sago Starch Acetylation and in vitro Digestibility, 1 (1). pp. 27-30. ISSN 2319-8532

Soetaredjo, Felycia Edi, Ismadji, Suryadi, Huynh, Lien Huong, Kasim, Novy Srihartanti, Thi, Ngoc Yen Tran, Ayucitra, Aning and Ju, Yi-Hsu (2012) Facile preparation of sago starch esters using full factorial design of experiment. Facile preparation of sago starch esters using full factorial design of experiment, 64 (8). pp. 590-597. ISSN 1521-379X

Soetarejo, Felycia Edi, Ismadji, Suryadi, Lien, Huong Huynh, Kasim, Novy S., Ngoc, Yen Tran-Hi, Ayucitra, Aning and Yi-Hsu, Ju (2012) Facile preparation of sago starch esters using full factorial design of experiment. Starch/Starke Journal, 64. pp. 590-597. ISSN 1521-379X

Srianta, Ignatius, Patria, Hayu Dyah, Arisasmita, Joek Hendrasari and Epriliati, Indah (2012) Ethnobotany, nutritional composition and DPPH radical scavenging of leafy vegetables of wild Paederia foetida and Erechtites hieracifolia. International Food Research Journal, 19 (1). pp. 245-250. ISSN 19854668 (Print); ISSN 22317546 (Online)

Sunarjanto, N. Agus (2012) Perbandingan akurasi rasio cash flow dengan economic value added untuk memprediksi kinerja Keuangan perusahaan (Comparable Accuracy of Cash Flow Ratio with Economic Value Added to Predict Company Financial Performance). Jurnal Bisnis dan Ekonomi (JBE), 19 (1). pp. 65-83. ISSN 1412-3126

Sunarjanto, N. Agus, Roida, Herlina Yoka and Christiana, Astri (2012) Analysis of the Internationalization Strategy of the Engagement and Ownership of Family in East Java with Variable CControl of Innovation, Sales, and Assets: Review of Agency Theory. JPfeb UNSOED Journal and Proceeding Seminar Nasional Sustainable Competitive Advantage-2, 2 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 798-979-9204-67-7

Susilawati, C. Erna (2012) Implikasi market timing pada struktur modal perusahaan. Jurnal Manajemen, 16 (1). p. 1. ISSN 1410-3583

Suwandi, Anita Carolina, Indraswati, Nani and Ismadji, Suryadi (2012) Adsorption of N-methylated diaminotriphenilmethane dye (malachite green) on natural rarasaponin modified kaolin. Desalination and Water Treatment, 41 (3). pp. 342-355. ISSN 1944-3994


Tamah, Siti Mina (2012) Teacher’s Enforcing Positive Interdependence: Students’ Perceptions. Teacher’s Enforcing Positive Interdependence: Students’ Perceptions (12). pp. 74-84. ISSN 0852-078X, Jurnal Nasional tidak ter-akreditasi

Tambunan, Sihar Tigor Benjamin (2012) Study on environmental Costs: An Approach to Environmental Management Accounting (EMA). Study on environmental Costs: An Approach to Environmental Management Accounting (EMA), 7 (1). pp. 77-83. ISSN eISSN: 2460-9463, pISSN: 0216-9463

Tsigie, Yeshitila Asteraye, Lien, Huong Huynh, Ismadji, Suryadi, Engida, Adam Mekonnen and Yi-Hsu, Ju (2012) In situ biodiesel production from wet Chlorella vulgaris under subcritical condition. Chemical Engineering Journal, 213. pp. 104-108. ISSN 1385-8947


Wattimena, Reza Alexander Antonius (2012) Komunitas Politis: Fakta atau Hipotesa? Sebuah Pendekatan Fenomenologi Politis. Jurnal Filsafat Arete, 1 (1). ISSN 2089-7804

Widodo, Teguh, Soemartojo, , and Rudi, Emmanuel (2012) Pengaruh konsentrasi guar gum sebagai pengikat terhadap mutu fisik tablet anti diare ekstrak kulit batang srikaya (Annona squamosa L.). Artocarpus Media Pharmaceutica Indonesiana, 9 (2). pp. 22-34. ISSN 1411-8734 (Unpublished)

Widyawati, Paini Sri, Wijaya, C. Hanny, Harjosworo, Peni Suprapti and Sajuthi, Dondin (2012) Aktivitas antioksidan berbagai fraksi dan ekstrak metanolik daun Beluntas (Pluchea indica Less). Agritech Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian, 32 (3). pp. 249-257. ISSN 0216-0455

Wijaya, Sumi, Jin, Khoo Teng, Nee, Ting Kang and Wiart, Christophe (2012) In Vitro 5-LOX Inhibitory and Antioxidant Activities of Extracts and Compounds from the Aerial Parts of Lopholaena coriifolia (Sond.) E. Phillips & C.A. Sm. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 9 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1553-3840, Journal Internasional Bereputasi Q2, SJR 0.206

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