Items where Division is "International Business Management Undergraduate Study Program" and Year is 2018
Angelie, Jessica (2018) The influence of price perception and e-service quality on repurchase intention through customer satisfaction at in Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Azalia, . (2018) The impact of sales promotion, social media marketing, and store atmosphere on purchase decision at WTF market Surabaya (Tunjungan Plaza). Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Budianto, Andrew (2018) Impact analysis of information quality towards purchase intention through perceived value and trust on Kovalen Coffee instagram profile. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Christie, Lidia Mery (2018) The influence of price, product quality, brand image towards customer value and customer satisfaction of Elizabeth women bag in Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Christie, Ruth Natasha (2018) The impact of corporate social responsibility program “cuci tangan pakai sabun” on brand image, brand attitude and brand loyalty of Lifebuoy Consumers in Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Dewi, Feby Sandra (2018) The impact of website advertising visual design towards online purchase intention on in Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Gondowijoyo, Vincentius Christian (2018) The impact of website quality, service quality and visual merchandising towards impulsive buying mediated by the urge to buy impulsively at Zalora, Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Hadimulyo, Aditya Eko (2018) The effect of compensation and work environment on job satisfaction and employee loyalty. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University.
Halim, Andri (2018) The influence of service quality, product quality, and customer satisfaction towards customer loyalty on Carl's Jr. in Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Hardanto, Geraldus Renaldi Putra (2018) The impact of rachel vennya as endorser to purchase intention on md clinic at instagram mediated by attitude in Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Hertanto, Celine (2018) The impact of instagram advertising and word of mouth on brand awareness Pandora Experience Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Ivan, . (2018) The influence of perceived value to in-app purchase intention through mobile game loyalty of mobile legends player. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Jasman, Astrid Olyvia (2018) The impact of social media marketing on purchase intention through customer relationship at Wardah Cosmetics in Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Karundeng, Willy Rocky Jayata (2018) The effect of employee competency and organizational commitment on job performance in PT. Ayari Persada. Undergraduate thesis, Unuversitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya.
Sasongko, Yosua Sendi (2018) The influence of celebrity endorsement and consumer trust toward purchase intention in dotic donut instagram in Malang. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Setiawan, Davin Valentin (2018) The impact of brand image, service quality, and sales promotion on customer repurchase intention through customer satisfaction at Tokopedia in Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Setiawan, Ivan (2018) The Impact of experiential marketing and service quality on repurchase intention through customer satisfaction in Warunk Upnormal Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Setyawan, Ie Yonathan (2018) The effect of endorser credibility (Agnes Monica) on vivo’s brand equity and self-brand connection. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Susanto, Jerry Loyelty (2018) The impact of brand image and country of origin through perceive value towards repurchase intention on Xiaomi Brand in Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Tandyono, Leonardus Adrian (2018) The impact of website quality on repurchase intention mediated by perceived trust and perceived value in the case of Tokopedia in Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Theonata, Stanley (2018) The influence of brand ambassador, product quality, and advertising on brand image and their effect toward purchase intention on Oppo Smartphone in Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Uly, Noverino (2018) Analysis off the impact of service quality, corporate image custimer perceived value, and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty at East Nusa Tenggara Regional Development Bank, Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.
Watulangkow, Anastasia Novitha (2018) The influence of brand image on purchase behavior through brand trust of oppo smartphone in Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.