Items where Division is "Faculty of Agricultural Technology" and Year is 2021
Angela, Jessica, Ristiarini, Susana, Nugerahani, Ira and Srianta, Ignatius (2021) Development of Monascus-fermented durian seed jelly drink: effect of roselle extract concentration on physicochemical and organoleptic properties of the jelly drink. In: 4th International Conference on Eco Engineering Development, Banten Indonesia.
Lambertus, Ellyzsabeth, Srianta, Ignatius, Liem, Devina, Wanaputra, Ferrian, Nugerahani, Ira, Kuswardani, Indah and Tewfik, Ihab (2021) Enhancement of the lactic acid bacteria population, chemical and organoleptic properties of soygurt with nutraceuticals from purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L) paste. In: International Food Conference (IFC 2021), March 2022, Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University, Surabaya, Indonesia.