Items where Division is "Faculty of Agricultural Technology" and Year is 2007
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Number of items: 2.
Srianta, Ignatius, Nugerahani, Ira and Delimartin, Adrian Sanjaya (2007) Influence of the length of evaporation time of angkak extract on the redness and antimicrobial activity against Bacillus subtilis. Proceedings of NP-SEA, Natural Pigments Conference for South East Asia. pp. 150-153. ISSN ISBN: 978-602-97123-0-8
Srianta, Ignatius and Widjajaseputra, Anna Ingani (2007) Oil Uptake Doughnut : Study on Rice Flour and k-Carrageenan. In: Seminar Nasional PATPI 2007, 17-18 Juli 2007, Bandung.