Items where Author is "Ondang, Immanuel Joseph"
Pranyoto, Nugroho, Susanti, Yuni Dewi, Ondang, Immanuel Joseph, Angkawijaya, Artik Elisa, Soetarejo, Felycia Edi, Santoso, Shella Permatasari, Yuliana, Maria, Ismadji, Suryadi and Hartono, Sandy Budi (2022) Facile Synthesis of Silane-Modified Mixed Metal Oxide as Catalyst in Transesterification Processes. Facile Synthesis of Silane-Modified Mixed Metal Oxide as Catalyst in Transesterification Processes, 12 (13). p. 245. ISSN 20794991, Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi SJR(2020): 0.92, Q1, H-Index: 58
Putro, Jindrayani Nyoo, Ondang, Immanuel Joseph, Lunardi, Valentino Bervia, Ismadji, Suryadi, Soetaredjo, Felycia Edi, Anggorowati, Adriana Anteng, Santoso, Shella Permatasari, Lie, Jenni and Gunarto, Chintya (2021) The application of the metal organic framework for ion removal in seawater. The application of the metal organic framework for ion removal in seawater, 335 (1). p. 116135. ISSN 01677322, 18733166, Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi SJR(2020): 0.93, Q1, H-Index: 111
Putro, Jindrayani Nyoo, Ondang, Immanuel Joseph, Lunardi, Valentino Bervia, Ismadji, Suryadi, Soetaredjo, Felycia Edi, Anggorowati, Adriana Anteng, Santoso, Shella Permatasari, Lie, Jenni and Gunarto, Chintya (2021) The application of the metal organic framework for ion removal in seawater. The application of the metal organic framework for ion removal in seawater, 335. pp. 1-6. ISSN 01677322, 18733166, Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi SJR(2020): 0.93 Q1 H-Index: 111
Laysandra, Livy, Ondang, Immanuel Joseph, Ju, Yi-Hsu, Putro, Jindrayani Nyoo, Santoso, Shella Permatasari, Soetaredjo, Felycia Edi and Ismadji, Suryadi (2019) An environment-friendly composite as an adsorbent for removal Cu (II) ions. An environment-friendly composite as an adsorbent for removal Cu (II) ions, 26 (10). pp. 22979-22989. ISSN 6147499, I0944-1344 Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi SJR(2020): 0.85, Q2, H-Index: 113
Angela, Stefanny and Ondang, Immanuel Joseph (2021) Laporan kerja praktek pembuatan biogas dari eceng gondok dan kotoran sapi. Project Report (PKL, PKIPP, Magang D3, Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker, Profesi Guru, Profesi Ners dan Profesi Insiyur). Faculty of Engineering, Surabaya. (Submitted)
Kusbianto, Marcelino Jaya and Ondang, Immanuel Joseph (2020) Al-mof untuk proses desalinasi. Working Paper (Laporan Penelitian Laboratorium (FT-Kimia)). Faculty of Engineering, Surabaya. (Submitted)
Lee, Tommy and Ondang, Immanuel Joseph (2021) Prarencana pabrik tugas akhir prarencana pabrik glifosat dari etilen oksida dan ammonia dengan kapasitas produksi 8.000 ton/tahun. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University.