Integrating communicative approach in the teaching of structure to the Senior High School students

Irwanto, Bydiah (2001) Integrating communicative approach in the teaching of structure to the Senior High School students. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.

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Structure is one of the basic elements that must be learnt by everyone who wants to master English. The technique that the teacher uses in teaching structure will influence very much to the degree of the students understanding. So far, structure teaching that applied in senior high school is Indonesia is done by stating the rules of the structure, explaining the grammatical item and then ask the students to do the written exercises. Or in brief, the structure teaching is often done through the formal explanation of structural rules followed by mechanical drill. In this way these students are trained to use the language that they have learnt through mechanical drill. By utilizing the mechanical drills, the target language hopefully. becomes a habit so that the students can produce automatically. It is true that apparently the students can learn structure successfully. But most of the time they are trapped in a boring and monotonous situation. As a result. they get stressed and bored easily during the teaching-learning process. Such a condition could happen since this teaching technique does not give students opportunity to use the grammatical patterns in a realistic and meaningful context. This condition, of course, will influence the students' grammatical mastery. Considering the weakness of this technique, which is based on the structural approach, the writer would like to propose another alternative way to learn structure. This technique is a combination between cognitive approach, aural-oral approach and functional communicative approach. Under this technique, the students are demanded to apply the grammatical patterns they have learn in communicative activities. Through the cognitive approach, the teacher facilities the students to understand first what is going to be learnt, then provided a contextual drill and finally give the students a chance to practice it in a real functional communicative exercises. Hence, on completion of the subject, they will not be able to produce grammatically correct sentences, but also be able to use the language for communicative purposes. Finally, since this thesis is not the result of a field study, the writer hopes that a kind of experimental study will be done to prove the effectiveness of teaching structure through this eclectic technique by other S1 graduate candidate of the English Department who are interested in writing the same topic.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Department: ["eprint_fieldopt_department_Faculty of Teacher Training and Education" not defined]
Uncontrolled Keywords: Teaching, structure, approach
Subjects: English Education
Divisions: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education > English Education Study Program
Depositing User: Users 14 not found.
Date Deposited: 02 Mar 2017 08:29
Last Modified: 02 Mar 2017 08:29

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