Puppetshow as a means for teaching listening comprehension and speaking as an integrated skill : a suggested extra-curricular activity for SMP

Sofie, . (1995) Puppetshow as a means for teaching listening comprehension and speaking as an integrated skill : a suggested extra-curricular activity for SMP. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.

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In the foreign language teaching-learning, there are four major language skills that should be taught in the class, they are: listening, speaking, reading and writing. These four language skills are integrated to each other. However, the major goal of foreign language learners is to master the first two skills (listening and speaking) since they are very important in daily communication. Carol says that for most foreign language learners, the ability to speak the language fluently, and to understand it when it is spoken by native speakers, is a kind of competence that is most valued and desired. Nowadays, mastering English is the great desire for people whose first language is not English. This is because English has become an International language. It is used in many fields such as education, science, business, medical, or international affairs. People who gets involved in those field needs English as their communication device. As English becomes more and more important and must be needed the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture puts English as one of the major lessons at school. English has been taught to Junior High School students but recently some schools have taught it to the fourth grade of Elementary School. Whereas in fact, a lot of students still face some problems in mastering English, especially the listening and speaking skill. Some experts state that the use of puppet show is a good way to teach English, especially listening and speaking. This puppet show can create a more, relax, fun and enjoyable situation in the class. The puppets can get the students to listen and speak in English. Besides that, puppets also help the students to build their creativities in using English orally so that the students, finally, can use the spoken language communicatively. The puppet show will be done mostly by the students. The students should present the show in turn. Once, a group become the puppeteers in other time they become the audience. The group who becomes puppeteers should play the puppets while the rest of the class who becomes the audience should pay attention to the show and give response for it. To avoid the students' boredom, the way in presenting the puppet show should be varied, for instance: short conversation, short stories, or games. Finally, the writer suggests creativity in making materials and students' ability to join the activity be encouraged. The writer hopes that the techniques she suggests could give some contribution to the teaching technique that have been existed.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Department: ["eprint_fieldopt_department_Faculty of Teacher Training and Education" not defined]
Subjects: English Education
Divisions: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education > English Education Study Program
Depositing User: Users 14 not found.
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2016 08:37
Last Modified: 10 Aug 2016 08:37
URI: https://repository.ukwms.ac.id/id/eprint/6338

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