The readability of reading materials in the "Communivative Learning English for SMA"

Karuniawati, Natalina (1995) The readability of reading materials in the "Communivative Learning English for SMA". Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.

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English as the first foreign language has expanded a lot especially in Indonesia. It does not only have an important position in the educational system but it is also the key which opens doors to scientific and technological knowledge, which is needed for the economic and political development. Since the position of English is important in the educational system, many English proponents publish many kinds of English textbook used by students at schools. However, in the reality is that not all the English textbook can fulfill the criteria of readability. The suitability of the reading materials to the learner's competence and experience will determine the student's achievement in the reading class. If the materials are within the students’ range of competence and experience, he will experience a sense of achievement in reading. Thus, his desire for reading will increase gradually, and surely his ability to read will also develop. Some experts state that there are five components that greatly influence the readability of reading materials; structures, vocabulary, background knowledge, personal interest, illustrations. These components are interrelated to one another; the absence of the requirement of only one component has already influenced the readability of the materials for the intended readers. Accordingly, the writer is interested in making a descriptive study to measure the readability of reading materials in a text book. The descriptive study which is used to investigate the readability of reading materials in a textbook have been done by two researchers Wiyono (1988) and Suryawati (1989)). However, there are some shortcomings in their researches. The first shortcoming lies on the textbook which is used by Wiyono (1988). In the text book entitled "Penuntun Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berdasarkan Kurikulum 1984" there is not illustrations at all in it. Whereas illustration is a very important factor to determine the readability of a text book. The second shortcoming is found in Suryawati’s thesis (1989) in which she used SMOG and Fog index for knowing whether the reading materials which have been analyzed by her, are suitable or not for Senior High School level. In reality these formulas are not suitable to be applied in Indonesia as they are devised for use with L1 learners. The two conditions above lead the writer to make an advanced study about the readability of reading materials in a text book by using another text book which is entitled “Communicative Learning English For SMA" and another formula which is called Fry Readability Estimate. In conducting this research, the writer uses the descriptive study which is called 00 a case study’ with the third year students of A1 and A2 program of SMA Kristen Petra 1 Surabaya as the sample of the study. This case study was conducted in July in the school year of 1993-1994. The model of instruments used in this research are the same as Wiyono’s (1988); they are close tests and a questionnaire and they are analyzed and measured by the same procedure and formulas. Besides these procedures, the writer also uses the Fry Readability Estimate for indicating the level of reading materials in a textbook. The result of this study is that the reading materials indicate high level of readability in term of vocabulary, structures, and illustrations, sufficient level of readability in term of background knowledge and personal interest. While, in term of school level the reading materials indicate that they are not suitable to be applied for the third year students of Senior High School.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Department: ["eprint_fieldopt_department_Faculty of Teacher Training and Education" not defined]
Subjects: English Education
Divisions: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education > English Education Study Program
Depositing User: Users 14 not found.
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2016 04:46
Last Modified: 06 Sep 2016 04:46

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