A study of conflicts found in Thomas Hardy's "Jude the Obscure"

Santoso, Jenny (1998) A study of conflicts found in Thomas Hardy's "Jude the Obscure". Undergraduate thesis, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.

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Literature is one of the subjects in the English Department of Widya Mandala which is separated into Literature I, II, III and Literary appreciation. This subjects is given in order that the students will develop and enlarge their ability in analyzing and understanding literary works. With Literature, they will also improve their vocabulary building and grammar, enlarge their humanistic world view by making them more sensitive to human values, and they may not feel bored from the monotonous days because literature can bring pleasure in their lives. After comparing the other literary genre, the writer chooses novel to be analyzed since everything in the novel is almost narrated in details such as the appearances, the attitudes, the feelings or emotions, and the thoughts of the characters, and the social and cultural background at a time. By analyzing the novel, the readers are not necessary to think hard to know what is meant in the story. They can understand the flow of the story well. Here, the writer choose Thomas Hardy’s novel to be discussed with the consideration that Thomas Hardy is regarded as the most popular writer in the nineteenth century. Furthermore, Hardy’s novel is remarkable. He presents man’s problem and his struggle in order to survive in the natural environment. The title of the novel is “Jude The Obscure”. She chooses this novel since it is an interesting story which gives some moral lessons about human life, human love, and human conflicts. The main characters in this story Jude who starts in this story Jude who starts out with the handicap of an inherited passion for learning and a family tradition of disastrous marriages. This inheritance acts as the tragic ‘flaw’ because the desire for learning brings Jude into conflicts both external and internal which the writer wants to analyze. To find the conflicts, the writer uses the intrinsic approach which concerns with the elements existing inside the literary work itself and she also uses Kenney, Momoe Beardsley, and Knickerbocker’s ideas in analyzing the conflicts because those theories can be used to observe the main character of the story Jude Fawley. After analyzing Thomas Hardy’s Jude The Obscure, the writer finds two results. First, Jude’s inner conflict is caused by women and by his ambition. Jude’s is inner conflict that is caused by women, the first is sensuous, vulgar cheating Arabella and the second is Sue Bridehead is cousin. This conflict occurs because Jude cannot avoid his desire with women which he will try always to satisfy with consequent effects on other areas of his life. He has to struggle against himself when Sue and Arabella have frustrated his hopes to become a scholar in Christmaster. Second Jude’s external conflict is the conflict of man against man and man against society. Jude is confronted with Arabella, Sue, and society. He has conflict with Arabella because she traps him to marry her by pretending to be pregnant and he has conflict with Sue because they have the differences in beliefs. Jude also cannot avoid the conflicts with society who cannot accept Jude’s way of thinking to --------------------- of the come entrust marriage sacrament Jude is, therefore struggling – with the world and with himself. And at last, Jude is reconciled to his fate before he does only make sense that he recognizes what it is.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Department: ["eprint_fieldopt_department_Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya" not defined]
Uncontrolled Keywords: Conflict, internal conflict, external conflict
Subjects: English Education
Divisions: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education > English Education Study Program
Depositing User: Users 14 not found.
Date Deposited: 07 Jan 2016 02:06
Last Modified: 07 Jan 2016 02:06
URI: https://repository.ukwms.ac.id/id/eprint/3809

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