Problem in applying present perfect tense and present perfect continous tense faced by the students of English Department WMCUS as manisfested by their interview protocols

Ibrahim, Maria Victorina Jessica (2009) Problem in applying present perfect tense and present perfect continous tense faced by the students of English Department WMCUS as manisfested by their interview protocols. Undergraduate thesis, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya.

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Grammar is one of the language components that are very important in learning a language. Grammar is used in all language skills such as Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Despite its significance, Grammar is also perceived as one of the most difficult subject to learn. In English Department of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Grammar is also taught. Although it is given in series; Structure 1, Structure2, Structure 3 and Structure 4, a recent study by Widiati and Ngadiman shows that many students face problems in grammar proficiency. In fact, the EESP students often fail in Grammar or Structure classes. The aim of language is communication of meaning, and meaning can only be reached if the sentence is understandable. Cohesive devices, one of them is verb form, can be determined by tenses. English tenses, determined by the concept of time, rely on the time frame and aspects. The Present Perfect Tense and the Present Perfect Continuous Tense are two tenses taught at Junior High School. These two tenses also caries aspects, the aspect of perfective and progressive. Therefore, it is an issue to know the students mental process in applying English tenses. So far, the studies of errors make use of the theory of Error analysis. Think-Aloud Protocols, at the other way round, give insight knowledge on the mental process that can not be seen by researchers. By adapting the theory and method of think-aloud protocols in interview, the writer believes that the mental process can be revealed. A study on this eventually reveals the mental processes that happen in the students’ mind who commit errors in applying English tenses. The subjects in this study were thirty EESP students who got the lowest score among sixty. Before they were chosen, they had been given an English Tenses test items, consisting of one hundred numbers. Fifty of them are in the form of sentence application and the rest fifty are in the form of error. The subjects, then, were asked to reflect on their thought while doing the test and verbalize their thoughts. This method of interview is adapting the steps taken in Think-Aloud protocols held by Bernardini. Afterwards, their thoughts were transcribed and analyzed by the writer and several researchers. The result of the study shows that the majority of the subjects’ errors are related to the problem with the concept of Present Perfect Tense and Present Perfect Continuous Tense. The analysis also shows that they posses insufficient knowledge of the tenses and get difficulties when the particular tense is contrasted with other tenses.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Department: ["eprint_fieldopt_department_Faculty of Teacher Training and Education" not defined]
Uncontrolled Keywords: Tense, present perfect tense, present perfect continuous tense, interview, think-aloud protocols, interview
Subjects: English Education
Divisions: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education > English Education Study Program
Depositing User: Users 14 not found.
Date Deposited: 26 Jun 2015 08:02
Last Modified: 26 Jun 2015 08:02

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