Indonesian Consumer Intention towards South Korean Pop Music

Agrippina, Yulika Rosita (2020) Indonesian Consumer Intention towards South Korean Pop Music. International Journal of Trend in Research and Development., 7 (4). pp. 106-110. ISSN 2394-9333

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This paper examines which variables influenced consumer interest in South Korean Pop (K-Pop) music in the Indonesian market. Gender, consumer interest rate towards South Korean music, consumer frequency of listening to music, and consumer willingness to purchasing music are several variables included in the regression. Data collected using an online survey questionnaire with purposive sampling of 300 consumers with Indonesian nationality in January and February 2020. Statistical analyses were used for testing such as binary logistic regression and correlation analysis. The results show that gender, consumer interest rate towards South Korean music, and consumer willingness to purchasing music has a strong positive correlation. However, the frequency of listening to music does not influence consumer intention in Korean music. Results of the correlation analysis indicate that there is a strong positive correlation between purchase intentions towards Korean Pop music and consumer references of Korean Pop music. The findings might be used in entertainment corporate, as well as a music producer and musician to recognize and better understand the new trends that needed in the industry of music especially South Korean Pop (K-pop).

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Purchase Intention, Consumer Tendencies, Korean Music.
Subjects: Business
Business > Management
Divisions: Journal Publication
Depositing User: F.X. Hadi
Date Deposited: 22 Sep 2020 07:22
Last Modified: 22 Sep 2020 07:23

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