Peran media masa dan perspektif jurnalisme damai ditengah pluralisme SARA di Indonesia

Yuliastuti, Maria and Dugis, Noveina Silvyani (2011) Peran media masa dan perspektif jurnalisme damai ditengah pluralisme SARA di Indonesia. Cakrawala :Jurnal Penelitian Sosial, 1 (2). pp. 176-198. ISSN 1693-6248

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Karya Ilmiah_Peran Media Massa dan Perspektif Jurnalisme Damai_Maria_Fikom_2014.pdf

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Bhineka Tunggallka, unity in diversity, that is the motto of Indonesia which has been known as a thousand-island nation. Globalization and the advances of technology and infonnation have also brought a huge influence in almost every aspect of human life, including socio-cultural dimension and socio-political. Thus, the roles of mass media as the main agent in the transaction of infonnation become significant. The mass media are expected to represent themselves as a major of public sphere, then also helped to detennine the dynamics of social, political and culture at the local and global stage. Among the plurality of Indonesian society, the treat of SARA (Suku: tribe/ethnic; Agama: religionlfaith; Ras: racelblood; Antargo/ ongan: inter-group) conflict is crucial and important to be noticed. Since conflict is the most interesting news value, the news coverage of mass media then holds an absolute power in shaping public opinion. Not only loved by the media alone, the audience was considered to be very enthusiastic readers for news of conflict as well. Conflicts using violence in all its fonns are always interesting. Especially when conflict is associated with politically laden of mass media industry that has lots of interests and problems in it. The problem of reporting the conflict has become increaSingly more bizarre and more complex when addressed the mainstream ideology of the journalist profession that emphasizes the two-dimensional concept of ·objectivity" publications that is factuality and impartiality. In a news text of conflict, the problem of completeness and accuracy, relevance of a fact are to be of great importance for the quality of news. The role of mass media in conflict situations such as this becomes very important. Of the three roles of mass media in reposting the case of conflict, only two roles are taken. First, as the issue intensifier/sharpen conflicts (Republika's case in SARA conflict in Ambon) and as the conflict diminisherlhider conflicts (Kompas and Suara Republika's case in SARA conflict in Ambon). None of the mass media has established itself as part of the conflict resolution process in reporting news of conflict.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Plurality, connicts, mass media, peace joumalism
Subjects: Communication Science
Divisions: Journal Publication
Depositing User: Vincentius Widya Iswara
Date Deposited: 24 Feb 2015 06:19
Last Modified: 12 May 2017 02:08

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