Easy approach to synthesize N/P/K co-doped porous carbon microfibers from cane molasses as a high performance supercapacitor electrode material

Kurniawan, Alfin, Ong, L.K., Kurniawan, Fredi, Lin, C.X., Soetaredjo, Felycia E., Zhao, X.S. and Ismadji, Suryadi (2014) Easy approach to synthesize N/P/K co-doped porous carbon microfibers from cane molasses as a high performance supercapacitor electrode material. RSC Advances, 4. pp. 34739-34750. ISSN 2046–2069

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In this study, we demonstrate a simple and low cost method to synthesize N/P/K co-doped porous carbon microfi bers (CMFs) from a sugar-rich byproduct (cane molasses) as the precursor material. A two-step method for the synthesis of N/P/K co-doped porous CMFs involving electrospinning of precursor material followed by simple carbonization at various temperatures (773.15 – 1173.15 K) was successfullyapplied. The N/P/K co-doped porous CMFs exhibited high specifi c surface area (580 m2 g1) and hierarchical porous structure. The potential application of N/P/K co-doped porous CMFs as supercapacitor electrodes was investigated in a two-electrode configuration employing aqueous K2 SO4 solution and ionic liquids/acetonitrile (ILs/ACN) mixtures as the electrolytes. A series of electrochemical measurements include cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge – discharge and cycling durability all confirmed that the CMF-1073.15 supercapacitor exhibited good electrochemical performance with a specific capacitance of 171.8 F g1 at a current load of 1 A g1 measured in 1.5 M tetraethylammonium tetra fluoroborate (TEABF4)/ACN electrolyte, which can be charged and discharged up to a cell potential of 3.0 V. The specific energy density and power density of 53.7 W h kg1 and 0.84 kW kg1 were achieved. Furthermore, the CMF-1073.15 supercapacitor showed excellent cycling performance with capacitance retention of nearly 91% after 2500 charge – discharge cycles, characterizing its electrochemical robustness and stable capacitive performance.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Engineering > Chemical Engineering
Divisions: Faculty of Engineering > Chemical Engineering Study Program
Depositing User: Felycia Edi Soetaredjo
Date Deposited: 17 Jul 2017 07:45
Last Modified: 22 May 2018 09:31
URI: https://repository.ukwms.ac.id/id/eprint/11030

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