Laporan Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Bidang Pengembangan Sumber Daya Kesehatan Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani No. 118 Surabaya (27 Juni – 29 Juni 2016)

Violita, Angela, Jehadan, Alfonsia N, Due, Anastasia T., Mardiarsa, Angga, Aprilia Karolin L, ., Aroma S. Eka P, ., Fauziah, Asmaul, Beke, Benedictus M.A.A., Ese, Celerina, Dassmer, Claudio, Chandrikarani, Deianira, Hayati, Dewi Nur, Dina Aprilia U, ., Ganadhi, Evelyn, Fardiella Rahayu P, ., Angellina, Felicia, Felicia Esterina T, ., Friska Damayanti P, ., Sihombing, Frisna, Sinaga, G.M. Mentari, Septiana, Helsa, Pradipta, I Putu Wahyu, Junita Mukholifah D.P, ., Da Silva, Katharina I., Goenawan, Kevin, Widjaja, Kevin, Tanwijaya, Lavenia, Azalia, Lia, Pratiwi, Lusia, Maria Devia R., ., Maria Fenni K, ., Ni Md Kartika A, ., Setiawati, Ni Pt Eka, Satiti, Nina K., Gusmao, Oktaviana F. I., Tanamal, Olivia P. M., Haryanto, Patrisius, Irwanto, Revonandia, Ristiana Ayu P, ., Fransiska, Rosalia, Sally Angela L, ., Sally Ferdiana H, ., Septin Putri A, ., Istichoma, Siti, Stefani Edith P, ., Imami, Sulfia, Tirsa Valenta K, ., Tjoa, Mey Li, Yosephine M. Dewi N, ., Yufita Ratnasari W, ., Yuhana S.R, ., Paula Yoita S, ., Regina Vitta N, R., Yehezkiel Billy O, ., Winna Eka T, . and Sumbogo, Silvia (2016) Laporan Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Bidang Pengembangan Sumber Daya Kesehatan Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani No. 118 Surabaya (27 Juni – 29 Juni 2016). Project Report (PKL, PKIPP, Magang D3, Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker, Profesi Guru, Profesi Ners dan Profesi Insiyur). Faculty of Pharmacy, Surabaya. (Unpublished)

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Item Type: Monograph (Project Report (PKL, PKIPP, Magang D3, Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker, Profesi Guru, Profesi Ners dan Profesi Insiyur))
Department: ["eprint_fieldopt_department_Faculty of Pharmacy" not defined]
Subjects: Pharmacy > Pharmacist Professional
Divisions: Faculty of Pharmacy > Pharmacist Professionals Study Program
Depositing User: Angela Violita
Date Deposited: 20 Feb 2017 02:58
Last Modified: 20 Feb 2017 02:58

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