Menggagas Fusi Horison Dalam Hermeneutika Hans Georg Gadamer Sebagai Model Saling Memahami Bagi Dialog Antarbudaya Dengan Relevansi Pada Pancasila Sebagai Landasan Dialogis Filosofis

Prasetyono, Emanuel (2022) Menggagas Fusi Horison Dalam Hermeneutika Hans Georg Gadamer Sebagai Model Saling Memahami Bagi Dialog Antarbudaya Dengan Relevansi Pada Pancasila Sebagai Landasan Dialogis Filosofis. Menggagas Fusi Horison Dalam Hermeneutika Hans Georg Gadamer Sebagai Model Saling Memahami Bagi Dialog Antarbudaya Dengan Relevansi Pada Pancasila Sebagai Landasan Dialogis Filosofis, 22 (1). pp. 63-95. ISSN p–ISSN : 1412-0674; e–ISSN : 2550–0589

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Fusion of horizons is the encounter between horizon of the past and of the present in the projection to the future. It takes place in all kind of understanding which is influenced by historically effected consciousness. In the realm of individual activity, fusion of horizons is characterized by formative and existential aspect as continual learning on how to be rooted in one’s own history and culture. Formatively, fusion of horizons leads to build one’s own character to be man of dialogue which is capable of adapting himself with his cultural environment. In the realm of social life, fusion of horizons deals with dialogue in the atmosphere of each other understanding culturally. Practically, dialogue is the formative praxis which enables those who involve in it to understand each other the relationship among themselves and their culture. The concept of the fusion of horizons has the role of bridging different views through hermeneutical and dialogical approach which is based on the process of pursuing meaning and the transformation of prejudices. As the result, the horizons of those who involve in a dialogue will be transformed richly and largely.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Budaya; dampak historis; dialog; fusi horison; prasangka; saling memahami.
Subjects: Philosophy
Divisions: Journal Publication
Depositing User: F.X. Hadi
Date Deposited: 07 Nov 2023 02:54
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2024 03:31

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